Tuesday 24 February 2009

Stepping stones

Nothing can trouble you but your own imagination- Nisgardatta Maharaj

Yesterday, I think the whole world was out to offend me. Whether it was in person, by a friend, or a random person on the internet, somebody was there to yank my chain. Although they might have succeeded initially to provoke an emotional response, self enquiry nearly always kicked in. “who is it that is offended”, you ask yourself and you try looking for the answer; “hmm, a person, no thats a concept...” and you can’t find it! You can’t find anything that is affected by the situation that is beyond the boundaries of thought or emotion.
Thats the great thing about self-enquiry. It gets better the more ‘excited’ you are. Of course, those moods of excitement are nearly always preprogrammed and habitual movements of emotion. Once they are thoroughly questioned, they drop like flies.
Everything needs to be questioned, every assumption, every movement of the mind has to be met. And if you are doing it right, even the best disguised demons will show their true face.

That is the spirit of self enquiry.

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